Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It's been a week... a BIG week

I haven't written or posted anything for a week. It has been busy, a little sad and really great all at the same time.

Last Friday was the last day of school for the girls. Sadie is officially in 1st Grade, Darby is now in 4th and Chloe is a sophomore (yes, she is in High School!) On Saturday, Darby and Sadie headed off to Jason's for a 4 week visit. (That is the sad part.) Chloe is staying home this time to practice for the Stadium of Fire.

On Friday, I went to Arizona for the second time this month to see Ryan.
For any of you missing out on the story here, I met Ryan online and we started emailing each other in January. In mid-March we started chatting online almost every night. From there we started talking, pretty much every day. We met in person the first week of May and that went REALLY well. This past weekend, I met his kids (he has 3, that he has primary custody of.) Grant is 11, Hayley is 9 and Zack is 7. I also met his parents and 2 sisters.
On Sunday night we officially decided that we are going to be married. Yes, you read that right. All of the particulars are still up in the air, but it is going to happen.
Ryan will be here the weekend of Father's Day, and again the 4th of July weekend for anyone that wants to meet him.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Pizazz Dance Review - Saturday May,17 2008

This is Chloe all decked out!

Here is Darby getting her groove on!

This is Sadie, passing out programs at the the Review with Reagan.

Daily Grind

I sometimes get so busy in doing my everyday routine, that I assume no one would want to hear about it. (Sometimes I don't want to hear about it, and it's my life.)

However this week, I am enjoying my daily tasks a little more than normal. As I think about the little girls being gone, I appreciate the daily grind just a little bit more. Sadie rolling herself up in the covers to avoid getting up this morning, was endearing rather than annoying.

I am so grateful to be a Mom! There are probably thousands of things I have done wrong, and tons of mistakes I have made in my life. But, my girls are definitely the 3 BEST things I've ever done.

Friday, May 16, 2008


This week has been a blur! I can't believe it has been 6 days since I've entered anything.
This past week has consisted of dance rehearsals or gymnastics practice every night except last night, that we spent shopping for dresses for the dance review on Saturday.

School will be out next week! I can't believe it! This year has gone by so quickly. The Garcia's will be moving to Utah next week! Woo Hoo!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Cotton Days

Today I am reminded of some of the many reasons that I love living here in Washington.

The girls and I woke up, got dressed and were off to the park this morning. On our way, we set folding chairs out in front of Mike's Barber Shop. We grabbed breakfast at the park and came back to the Barber Shop to watch the Cotton Days Parade.
Small town parades and carnivals at the park still represent all that is right with the world. Sitting at the parade today, with the girls running into the street to get candy, I realized there aren't many things better in the whole world. Afterward, we went to the park, for face painting, snow cones, carnival games, and the BIG blow-up slide.

Moving here to Washington has been great! We definitely have a hometown here. The theme of this years Cotton Days was "Feels Like Home." And yes, it definitely, feels like home!

Friday, May 9, 2008


Now that I told people I have a blog, I feel some degree of pressure to put something here. (Why do I do that to myself?)
My life is great. It is insanely busy, but I think about the girls being gone to visit their Dad in a couple of weeks, and I am very grateful for the chance I have to do so much with the them.
This week our dog had puppies, and as much as I didn't want puppies, I am grateful for the chance the girls have had to have the experience. On Wednesday afternoon, when Darby saw the puppies, she started to cry, she was so happy. We had to bury the ones that didn't make it, and the girls had the experience of the happy and the sad that day. The last 2 mornings Darby has gotten up early to watch the puppies and hold them a little. This morning Sadie got up to get her chance.
As well as the puppies, this week has held gymnastics practice for Sadie and Darby, dance rehearsals for Darby and Chloe, choir concerts for both Darby and Chloe, a visit from Brandie (Yea!) and a trip to the ER to see if Chloe's arm was broken. (It wasn't, thankfully.) I am so blessed to busy doing things I love, with the people I love!

I hope I can always remember that it is the little things every day that make life worth living! The big, spectacular things in life have their place too! But enjoying the daily comings and goings is what will get me out of bed in the morning!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The State of the World

Tonight I had quite a kick in the stomach. I found out some long time friends were divorced and it brought back a lot of tender feelings. Recently I have been wrapped up in the dating scene and very much enjoying myself and the NEW relationships I have been cultivating. But, when I heard that such close friends were divorcing, the feeling came so strong to me what incredible power the adversary has over the hearts of the Children of men, that is almost took my breathe away. The associated heartache is so incredibly overwhelming, I can't bear the thought of anyone I love having to endure that!
If I could do any one thing for those that I love, it would be to keep them from ever feeling the enormous devastation that comes from the disillusion of an Eternal family unit.
I pray sincerely for anyone involved in the process. I pray for the children that they will feel loved and not hold themselves responsible for what is happening around them, I pray that they will feel the love and influence of the Savior in their lives, I pray that they won't be adversely affected by the horrible circumstances that they find themselves in and most of all I pray that they will learn from their experiences, and strive to never have that same occurrence in their lives.
For the Divorcing parties; I pray for humility and peace in your hearts, I pray that you will know you are not alone, and that you will allow the healing power of the Atonement to truly lighten the burden you are carrying.
I am grateful for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in my Life, and I am thankful for the Beautiful plan of happiness which was prepared that we may overcome this Earthly experience and once again dwell with our Heavenly Father.
Be kind to each other, think of what really matters, and Live the Gospel!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I finally gave in and created a blog of our own. I live with my 3 girls and life is great! I don't know how I would exist without them. We are a crazy bunch of girls, making it through life day by day.
Well here it is..... We are entering the Blogging world