Monday, December 29, 2008


For the first time since we were married in August, Ryan and I had a night at home without any children. It was a little strange going to bed without the hall light on and not hearing anyone bang on the wall in bed, but I think we'll survive a week!
Saturday we drove to Kingman, AZ to drop off Grant, Hayley and Zack for their Christmas visit with their Mom. Sunday we took Chloe, Darby and Sadie to meet their Dad in Fillmore, UT.
We will be doing quite a bit more driving this weekend to pick-up the kids in Arizona. But for now, I am just going to enjoy my time with Ryan.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

I absolutely LOVE Christmas. I love decorating, I love shopping, I love the anticipation of what people will think of their gifts... But most of all, I love the spirit of the season.
Last Friday night, Ryan and I went to see "The Forgotten Carols" and I truly believe the Shepard's Carol when it says, "And if you feel the spirit in the air, then just like me you'll know that he was here... And he will come again, 'cause he was here!"
What better message could there be for a confused world? The Savior of the world was here and he will come again.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Snow Day?

Normally sitting at my desk, I can look out and see desert, red rocks, and off in the distance snow on Pine Valley Mountain, but, not today. Today, I see snow everywhere, including the usually red rocks and Pine Valley Mountain is entirely hidden by clouds. I drove to work in a slushy, one lane mess. The kids are out of school for a snow day. Most of Washington County is under 6+ inches of snow. The one redeeming factor is that as bothersome as the snow was to me this morning, I am fairly sure that it will be almost completely gone by the time I go home from work.
I know the kids are home playing in the snow and loving it! And, Ryan is wishing it would stay around awhile for him to be able to 'play' in. So, I guess when it comes to the powdery white stuff, I am seriously out-numbered in my dislike. Oh well!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Busy! Busy! Busy!

Not that our normal lives aren't busy enough, with the Christmas parties and programs, this week and next are more crazy than normal.
Monday Ryan had his company party in Vegas and didn't get home until almost 9:00p.m. Tuesday, Darby and Sadie had dance, Grant had scouts, Zack had pack meeting, Chloe had Young Women, Hayley stayed home sick and Ryan had Elders Quorum Presidency meeting. Wednesday was my Mom's birthday as well as Darby & Hayley's choir concert. Tonight, we have Grant's band concert. Friday, Chloe is singing the national Anthem at the Girls' High School basketball game. Saturday is Darby & Sadie's dance Christmas party and our Ward Christmas party. (Which Ryan and I are in charge of the nativity/program.)
Next week, Darby is Mrs. Claus in the 4th grade Christmas play, Chloe has a choir concert (both on Wednesday night) and Zack has a Christmas program on Thursday.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Zack's Baptism

Saturday night Zachary was baptized. Hayley gave a talk about the Holy Ghost and Ryan Baptized and confirmed Zack.
It was a really nice night, and a great weekend. We had a so much support from family, it was great.

It was crazy at our house this weekend with all the family, but it was so much fun! We are so grateful for the love and strength of our family.
Thank you all so much!