Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas is almost here!

Well, Ryan and I are ALMOST child-less. Grant, Hayley & Zack flew out of Vegas and Darby & Sadie went to their Dad's all on Sunday. Chloe will be here until the 23rd or 24th, then she will be up north for Christmas also.

To start our child-less Christmas, Ryan and I went to his company Christmas party. We were asked to wear 'Cocktail' attire. It was kind of fun to get dressed up and go out together.
(The kids weren't officially gone, but we had a good time practicing.)

If you wanted to see our Christmas card before they actually go out, here is is!

(Just in case you were wondering, yes, we were inspired by a lovey lady, who one day met this fellow....)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Another week....

The past week has had almost an event a day. (Like that is anything unusual!)
Thursday and Friday Chloe had the Christmas dance concert. Almost every day this month she will have Trilogy performances. (Trilogy is the elite, performing choir at the High School.)
Friday, December 4th was my Birthday! It was a great day! Sadie received a 'Dean's List' award at school and got to walk through the 'W.'

In the evening Ryan and I went to "Christmas in the Canyon" at the Tuacahn Amphitheater. It was fun, but VERY cold.
Saturday, we got our Christmas Tree and celebrated my birthday with the family.
These are the roses Ryan gave me for my birthday!

Monday night we decorated our Christmas tree for family night. (I guess I should take a picture of our tree)
Wednesday night was the Christmas Concert for the elementary school choir.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

And then Novemeber was over....

It always amazes me when I look at the calendar and another week (or3) has gone by.

This last month has been busy and we are just gearing up to get busier! 3 Weeks from tomorrow is Christmas! (Yes, Just 21 SHORT days.)

Nov. 19th was Darby’s 11th birthday…

Thanksgiving Day, we were here in Washington with the family here. Then we left Friday to head to Thatcher, AZ to party and hang with our Arizona family. It was a very long drive, but overall a really great weekend! I forgot my camera when we went to Arizona, so I will have to rely on other people sending me pictures of the weekend.

I do indeed have plenty to be thankful for!