Monday, July 11, 2011


This past weekend was GREAT! We did not go anywhere, we did not do anything spectacular, but it was nonetheless fabulous! I think Ryan and I spent almost every hour together sans the Relief Society/Priesthood block of church meetings.
The few weeks we get every summer to be 'newlyweds' are so much fun, and so needed.
Most couples starting out have time alone together, to get to know each other, adjust to each others idiosyncrasies, and get to know their children one-by-one, etc. But, as a newly married couple with 6 kids, there wasn't time for any of that. Subsequently, I enjoy any time to have Ryan all to myself. As much as I love the kiddos, I treasure time with Ryan alone.
Weekends like this past one help me remember why we signed up for all the craziness.